
Maven plugin code can be found here:

And the way to use it is to add this plugin to your pom.xml file, which hooks the package phase, so you can build it with mvn package. Generated output will be in the target folder, and when using gdx-backend-jtransc in target/jtransc-haxe/export/<debug|release>/<target>/bin:



There are several configuration options you can add to the plugin:


  • target allow to specify the output target. Example: <target>haxe:js</target>
  • targets allow to specify several output targets. Example: <targets><param>haxe:js</param><param>haxe:flash</param></targets>
  • mainClass the fully qualified class name containing a static main with the entry point for your application. Example: <mainClass>com.jtransc.MyMainClass</mainClass>


  • output the file output name. Example: <output>program.js</output>
  • release wether the release is release or not <release>true</release>. Default: false
  • title title to be used when packaging (javascript title, apk/ipa title and so on). Example: <title>My Awesome Game</title>.
  • name short name to be used when packaging. Example: <name>MyGame</name>.
  • company company name to be used when packaging. Example: <company>JTransc</company>
  • packagePath package of the application. Example: <packagePath>com.jtransc.examples</packagePath>
  • relooper instructs to use a relooper algorithm to try to improve code quality. Experimental. Example: <relooper>true</relooper> Default: false
  • analyzer instructs to use an external analyzer on some targets that could improve code size and quality. (Haxe analyzer). Experimental. Example: <analyzer>true</analyzer> Default: false
  • minimizeNames instructs the compiler to generate minimized names for packages, classes, fields and methods. This reduces output size on some targets, specially javascript. But on others difficults incremental compilation as names could change between compilations. Example: <minimizeNames>true</minimizeNames>
  • assets a list of folders to include along the application as assets/resources. Example: <assets><param>path/to/assets</param></assets>
  • extra a custom map including key/value String pairs that are available at MiniTemplates places. Example: <extra><key1>value1</key1><key2>value2</key2><certificatePath>path/to/certificate.cer</certificatePath></extra>

Optional for graphic apps:

Devices/platforms supporting multiple screen resolutions or windowed applications. Ignored on non-graphical applications. These options are available from Minitemplates so any engine can use this information when building.

  • initialWidth initial width of the window. Example: <initialWidth>1280</initialWidth>.
  • initialHeight initial height of the window. Example: <initialHeight>720</initialHeight>.
  • orientation orientation of the device Possible values: auto, portrait, landscape. Example: <orientation>landscape</orientation>. Default: auto
  • fullscreen run the application in fullscreen. Example: <fullscreen>true</fullscreen>. Default: false
  • borderless the window doesn’t have border. Example: <borderless>true</borderless>. Default: false
  • resizable wether the application window can be resized or not on supported platforms. Example: true. Default: false.
  • vsync wether the application should have vertical synchronization. Example: false. Default: true.
  • embedResources instructs to embed all resources instead of reading them externally. This would allow a JavaScript target to be able to access resources synchronously with a preloader. Example: <embedResources>true</embedResources> Default: false
  • icon path to the application’s icon. It will be resized when required. It should be available as a resource. <icon>path/to/myicon.png</icon>

Deprecated (optional):

  • library target libraries that will be included in the output Example: <library><param>haxe-ws:0.0.6</param></library> Deprecated The recommended way is to use @HaxeAddLibraries annotation.
  • version string to be used as version. Example: <version>0.0.1-BETA</version> Deprecated use project’s version instead.
  • backend specify the backend to use right now the only supported backend is ASM (some time ago SOOT was supported too). Deprecated

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