
JTransc unsderstand some annotations that are defined in the jtransc-rt-core repository. You can find the complete list of annotations here.


  • @JTranscIgnoreDependencies() - It will ignore referenced classes, methods and fields in that method because it will include a specific method body. Use this carefully.
  • @JTranscInline - Marks a specific method as inline. When supported it will inline its body in the callee. Use this carefully, on small one-liner methods, as this could lead to worse performance in some cases.
  • @JTranscInvisible - Marks the class, method or field as invisible reflection-wise, so no reflection information is available at runtime, reducing output size.
  • @JTranscInvisibleExternal({"fq.class1","fq.class2"}) - From another class, externally allows to mark several other classes as invisible reflection-wise.
  • @JTranscKeep - Keeps all methods/fields in this class, or a specific field or method on the output when performing dead code elimination.
  • @JTranscKeepName - Keeps the original name of a class, method or field. Unadvised. Use Minitemplates to reference stuff from the outside.
  • @JTranscNative - Keeps the original name of a class, method or field. Unadvised. Use Minitemplates to reference stuff from the outside.
  • @JTranscNativeClass - Marks a class as Native and specifies an external fqname for it.
  • @KeepConstructors - Keep all the constructors of the class and inherited classes even when not referenced. Used when instantiating a class reflectively at runtime.
  • @KeepFields - Keep all fields in the class and inherited classes, so they can be written or readed reflectively.
  • @KeepMethods - Keep all methods in the class and inherited classes, so they can be called at runtime reflectively

Haxe specific

When targeting to Haxe, there are some annotations you can use:

  • @HaxeAddAssets({"file1", "file2}) - Include some files as assets
  • @HaxeAddFilesBeforeBuildTemplate({"file1", "file2"}) - Include to the target generated sources folder some files from resources folder and process using Minitemplates. Just before building, after knowing everything from the program.
  • @HaxeAddFilesRaw({"file1", "file2"}) - Include to the target generated sources folder some files from resources folder without processing them just as they are.
  • @HaxeAddFilesTemplate - Include to the target generated sources folder some files from resources folder and process using Minitemplates
  • @HaxeAddLibraries({"haxe-ws:0.0.6"}) - Include one or more haxe libraries. In the form: name:version
  • @HaxeAddMembers({"var field:Int;"}) - Add some lines at class level. This could include fields, or methods.
  • @HaxeMeta - Adds text to the output at meta places. So you can add custom haxe metas.
  • @HaxeMethodBody(target=name, value=...) - Body of the method for the specified target. This annotation is @Repeteable using HaxeMethodBodyList annotation. Argument names are p0, p1, p2
  • @HaxeMethodBodyPre - Haxe Source to be prepended to the method for all haxe subtargets
  • @HaxeMethodBodyPost - Haxe Source to be appended to the method for all haxe subtargets
  • @HaxeMethodBodyList({...bodies}) - A list of method bodies
  • @HaxeNativeConversion - Specifies a custom Haxe <-> Java conversion for the annotated class.
  • @HaxeRemoveField - The specified field won’t be included in the generated output source.

Haxe specific for custom targets

JTransc allows to define custom builds. Instead of calling Haxe, you can call other command line.

jtransc-media-lime is a great example about how to create custom targets.

  • @HaxeAddSubtarget(...) - Add a haxe custom target that can be used with some custom tooling
  • @HaxeAddSubtargetList{...targets} - Add a list of haxe custom targets
  • @HaxeCustomBuildCommandLine - Specify a custom command line for building
  • @HaxeCustomMain - Defines a custom main, in the case your tooling requires the bootstrap entry point for example to extend a class.


  • @JTranscField("name") - Specify a field name on external classes.
  • @JTranscMethod("name") - Specify a field name on external classes.
  • @JTranscGetter("name") - Specify that a method is the getter of an specific field on an external class.
  • @JTranscSetter("name") - Specify that a method is the setter of an specific field on an external class.
  • @JTranscNativeClassImpl - Deprecated
  • @JTranscPackageClass - Deprecated
  • @JTranscPackageClassImpl - Deprecated
  • @JTranscReferenceClass - Deprecated
  • @HaxeImports - Deprecated

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